Secure Random Password Generator
- Creates a secure, random password in JavaScript.
- Password is created in the browser and never transmitted to any remote host.
- Uses a cryptographically secure random number generator, a uniform distribution, and avoids a modulo bias.
- Defaults to 15 characters using upper- and lowercase letters (a-z, A-Z) and numbers (0-9). This leads to a password strength of 89.3 bits.
- No trackers, no third-party resources.
- Extensive use of security features: HTTPS, HSTS, Content Security Policy, Subresource Integrity, and more.
- Everything is Open Source.
- Explanation for the code and why many other examples you can find online are flawed: How to create a Secure, Random Password with JavaScript
Created by Hanno Böck. Dice icon from SVG Repo (CC0).